A) Getting started and installation

Fireback accelerates backend and mobile app development, offering powerful code generation tools and standardized architecture. With seamless backend integration and streamlined workflows, Fireback expedites the creation of robust and scalable apps.

Fireback comes in binaries for different platforms. You need to download the latest version for your OS, which generally comes in:

  • Different versions of Linux, mainly ubuntu
  • Windows 8 or later
  • Macos 10.14 or later

Fireback is written in Golang, Gorm, and Gin and only binaries are available to public. For customization beyond the available features, you need to contact https://pixelplux.com/en/sales to sign a contract or feature request.

Download the installers

You can access the binaries and installers on downloads section.

Linux and Windows

For Windows and Linux distributions, download the *.zip file and inside you will find binary file.

You might need to give executable permission on linx:

sudo chmod +x fireback

Macos Installer

For macos, we provide an installer, which will install the binaries and configurations on your computer. You can extract the binary, and use bundle it into your own custom project, if needed. For further help on commercial projects, you can always seek advice from pixelplux sales.

On mac, we install binaries to /usr/local/bin it won't be available as system service or other users by default.

You might need to go to your preferences > security and allow to install software from unknown sources. Packages we provide on free-tires might be unsigned on Windows and Macos.

After the installation completed, you might open any terminal and fireback command should be accessible through your terminal:

ali@alis-MacBook-Pro ~ % fireback --help

   Fireback develop/administration cli

    [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   service       Manages the system service on operating system
   books         Actions related to the books module
   server, s     Starts the web server
   database, db  Initilizes the database, and does the necessary migration if needed.
   users, u
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help

As our next step, we need to start a web server to make apis and interface available. Let's read: Starting a webserver together :)