Coworking Site

Visit our coworking site in Poland, built for video editors and programmings in the foresets.

We serve few customers a year

Company size is 1-2 people per year, including Ali Torabi and sometimes a help from client side. We do not serve many clients, actually we intent to take two projects a year, or one project if its estimated to take longer than 8 months.

This is happening to ensure the quality rather than quantity so we can have successful projects in our portfolio.

We have a lot of experience and ready boilerplate

Many problems in programming world and software development are over. We have a set of rules, boilerplate for Backend and Front-Endprojects and we use them.

  • React for Desktop applications, using Next.Js
  • Golang for System level and Http services.

We do net serve clients with other frameworks such as Angular, NestJs, SailsJs, Spring boot and so on. Despite the fact we have contributed to the Angular and C# projects a lot, we are only focus on 2 major technologies at the moment.

Hardware setup

Our development computer has the highest standard for development available in the market.

  • 64GB of DDR4 RAM
  • CPU Intel core-i9 10980XE with 18 cores
  • 4TB of disk, each client will get 512GB of disk for their Virtual Machine
  • One 49 inch and another 34 inch display during development
  • Two graphic cards, 24 GB RAM using 3090 NVIDA Card.

Development arrangement.

On the larger display, developer has the Cypress automation tool, and the console. On the smaller screen, we write the code. This helps to reduce less window changes while working and see the result on the other screen.

Artifacts and delivery

We provide the software to the client by each end of the week, build complete artifacts for:

  • Desktop applications, MacOs, Linux and Windows
  • Complete binaries for system services
  • APK and iOS debug binraries in case of React Native project.
  • Interactive documenation for backend APIs, and software features.